Make your own potions...
Mother-Daughter Medicine Bag
Saturday January 20th 2pm
Broadlands Nature Center
21907 Claiborne Parkway
Broadlands, VA 20148
So much of healing is a family affair. Having an inter-generational tradition of healing one another through preparing food as well as medicine has mostly been done within the four walls of homes rather than in doctor offices or hospital zones.
We will cover healing soups and teas that can be made before sickness comes as well as syrups that are treats to chase away cold and flu (both preventative versions and responses to early treatment). We will craft bath healing for fever support, nasal clearing, and pain relief.
We will also make anti-microbial salve, and basic skin care products (lip gloss, facial lotion, and non-chemical deodorant). And if we can squeeze it in we will create a medicinal bag to carry all of our curative forces wherever we go.
To Register Go to the Contact Page. Send us an email requesting a spot
Adults-Only Potions Class
Saturday February 10th 2pm
Broadlands Nature Center
21907 Claiborne Parkway
Broadlands, VA 20148
Some Magic Need Only Be Revealed to Adults (requested by parents who have attended potions class with their children over the last three years--please leave your little ones at home.)
Living in a region with severe stress (and stress being the leading cause of diminished "romantic feelings"...) we present Adult-Only Potions Class
We will cover:
-the vitamins and minerals needed (and which foods to eat) to support a high stress lifestyle
-herbs and scents to stimulate "happy feelings"
-lotions, bath add-ins, and oils for perhaps the best Valentine's Day ever (you will take these home with you)
-Food and drink for some delicious things that are known as traditional aphrodisiacs
To Register Go to the Contact Page. Send us an email requesting a spot